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Monday, December 31, 2007

Why ExitExplosion.com Is The Best Free Traffic System

I'm often asked why I believe that ExitExplosion.com is the best
free traffic generation system available on the Internet.

Well, to be perfectly honest, I actually don't think that!

So, stop asking! :)

There are quite a few ways to generate free traffic on the 'net,
and I'd hesitate to call any of them the "best," since they all
have their own pro's and con's.

But, I have been caught arguing that ExitExplosion.com is simply
the best
choice in a lot of situations.

See, if you already have a website, and you want to drive *more*
traffic to it, then this just could be the site for you.

They explain it much better on their site than I could here,
but I'll give you a quick rundown of how it works...

1. First, you install some simple little code on your
website, which detects when people are LEAVING your
site, and shows them an ad for someone else's site.

It does't affect your site at all, because it is
only shown to people who are leaving.

2. Then, you earn "credits" when this happens, and your
"credits" are spent showing your ad to other people
who are leaving other people's websites!

3. They have figured out a way to mathematically multilpy
your credits
exponentially. You're going to have to
read the site for the details on this, since I just
don't feel like re-iterating it here.

The crazy thing about ExitExplosion.com is that the more I think
about it, the more I realize that there is no reason NOT to use

All it does is take the traffic that was already leaving your
site, and put it to some good use (namely, getting you MORE
, which then gets your MORE credits, etc, etc.).

But, enough of me talking. Just try it for yourself, and then
you'll really know why this site is so amazing.

Here's the link you can use to sign up:




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